Sunday, March 11, 2007

Change is the ONLY Constant

Man, when you go through it, you go through it...but the point is, you get through.

Change is the only constant in this life, besides death and taxes. Often we figure we know what we really want from this life and then life sends a curve ball and shows you that you weren't "specific" enough in the details. For instance, you say you want to get a record deal, but you didn't specify what kind of record deal...I mean, some people may think it's pretty silly to say, I want a GOOD record deal, I want a FAVORABLE record deal, I want a SHORT-TERM contract period if it's UNFAVORABLE to me...but, you've really got to dig into the details about what you really want. That's why it's so important to be as CLEAR as possible about what you are asking for.

You put those thoughts about what you want out into the Universe and it gets busy putting together the details of the "HOW" you'll receive this thing you've asked for. When you least expect it, it will come or show up in a way you wouldn't have imagined. That's been my latest conversations with one of my good friends lately. The way we want things to happen is not necessarily how they are going to happen. That's why it necessary to have your eyes open to opportunities because they can be your dreams in disguise. Look past the surface and read between the lines. Pay close attention to details.

Have a wonderful, productive day :)
