Thursday, February 23, 2006

Get Off Your "BUT"

“I want to be in the music industry BUT I don’t have time to learn about it.”
“I want to sell my music BUT I don’t seem to have the right information about what to do.”
“I want the fortune and fame BUT I can’t seem to figure out how to get my career started successfully.”
"I know I've got great talent BUT I don't have the right contacts."
"My music can be the next biggest thing BUT I just need to get discovered, just get a chance."

Does this sound like you? I admit that I have been guilty of saying something similar. We seem to always have an excuse for not doing something and when somebody asks, we fill in the blanks with something like one of the above statements. Remember this…excuses only satisfy the person giving them. That’s it. It only makes you feel better, to help get it off your conscious so to speak, but it doesn’t do anything for the person you told it to because whatever it was you were supposed to do still hasn’t been done. So, don’t waste your breath. We are only hurting ourselves in the long run.

The biggest excuse we seem to make is the one about not having enough time...isn’t it funny though how we can always find the time to do the things we REALLY want to do? Hmmm. Is a music career something you really want? Another big excuse we seem to have is about not having the money...isn't it funny though how we can always find the money to do the things we REALLY want to do and buy the things we REALLY want to have?

Think about this the next time you feel like using your BUT to explain why you hesitate and procrastinate, and are basically holding YOURSELF back from going after what you REALLY want out of life!

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