Thursday, February 23, 2006

Get Off Your "BUT"

“I want to be in the music industry BUT I don’t have time to learn about it.”
“I want to sell my music BUT I don’t seem to have the right information about what to do.”
“I want the fortune and fame BUT I can’t seem to figure out how to get my career started successfully.”
"I know I've got great talent BUT I don't have the right contacts."
"My music can be the next biggest thing BUT I just need to get discovered, just get a chance."

Does this sound like you? I admit that I have been guilty of saying something similar. We seem to always have an excuse for not doing something and when somebody asks, we fill in the blanks with something like one of the above statements. Remember this…excuses only satisfy the person giving them. That’s it. It only makes you feel better, to help get it off your conscious so to speak, but it doesn’t do anything for the person you told it to because whatever it was you were supposed to do still hasn’t been done. So, don’t waste your breath. We are only hurting ourselves in the long run.

The biggest excuse we seem to make is the one about not having enough time...isn’t it funny though how we can always find the time to do the things we REALLY want to do? Hmmm. Is a music career something you really want? Another big excuse we seem to have is about not having the money...isn't it funny though how we can always find the money to do the things we REALLY want to do and buy the things we REALLY want to have?

Think about this the next time you feel like using your BUT to explain why you hesitate and procrastinate, and are basically holding YOURSELF back from going after what you REALLY want out of life!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Words To Live By

Life simply takes us on whimsical twists and turns that seem to lead you right back on the path of where you are destined (or choose) to be.

I had someone tell me yesterday, "Change is not easy, but it is very necessary." The situation in which it was being said was not a positive one, but nonetheless for me, it was a pivotal one.

I don't know if you've seen the movie "Matrix Revolutions" the 3rd of a 3-part series in the Matrix Phenonemon, but there is a part when Neo & Agent Smith were down "inside" the street and Neo was on the ground after the last time that Agent Smith hit him and then Agent Smith says, "wait a minute. I've seen this...we were right here...and I'm supposed to say something..." and then he says, "Neo, every beginning has an end." And then Neo gets up and does what he know has to be done and then (if you've seen it) you know the rest...

Well, I felt like Neo at that point...there was something profound in what was said that applied to what seemed like my very survival at that moment, at that very moment, and it was to CHANGE something to make my life move forward. Something in me did change that perspective on the way I approach my business and my time.

You know how they say that there are two things guaranteed or certain in this life: Death and Taxes? Well they need to add CHANGE to this truth. Change is INEVITABLE, it is GUARANTEED, IT IS NECESSARY. Often times the "Universe" or the Creator, God (whatever you may consider IT/HIM or HER to be) gives us a violent shove into reality, almost as if you've missed all the other clues along the way. There is going to be that ONE clue that puts it in plain view for you, sometimes with catastrophic results or circumstances (positive and negative). A rude awakening, as some would call it. It's like the writing is on the wall, has been on the wall and is written in black permanent marker and if you don't see it, you are either in denial and don't want to see or you're looking at it the wrong way and you've just been missing the point all along.

"You can't change anybody, you can only change yourself." I heard that just today, again in re-evaluting the way I look at my world and the things going on around me. I'd heard it before, but like I said, you either see how it applies to your situation or you don't. It is definitely like going through a test, making sure you see the lesson in the situation and taking action to do what is necessary to continue growing, learning and staying motivated, inspired and moved to pursue your dreams!

I told one of my best friends the other day that we can't be the observer and the participant at the same time. Think of it as looking at a movie of what's going on in your life at the time. You are either in the audience watching the movie or you are the actor/actress in the movie. When you take the time to step back from the situation, you may get a different perspective of what's really going on. Sometimes when you are in the situation, emotions are high and your thinking can be clouded by these emotions. When you are out of the picture, you can kind of take the time to think about scenarios that may work best. That's where our imaginations come into play. What can happen as a result of making decision A vs. decision B ? Are there other alternatives available that may also fit or apply? Everyone draws their own conclusions about a situation, maybe you can ask for assistance from the people you trust the most to help you arrive at a decision may help. Just like people watching a movie, we try to put ourselves in the situation we are observing, all along trying to figure out what's going to happen next from the way we are interpreting the movie's plot.

Do the same thing when you are considering a big change in your life. For me, the choice to make is between making one small change that will keep me in the same unstable situation for a little longer, or do I make a big change (stepping outside of a comfort zone) and live my life with the satisfaction that I took a risk to take on a new challenge and didn't settle for mediocrity, because NOTHING is guaranteed anyway?

Mentally I've already made the choice, now it's time to put that choice into ACTION!

It's always your decision to make. You ultimately will be affected by the decision and you'll never go wrong if you trust your spirit, those gut feelings, your own instincts about the choices you have to make. There is a lesson in everything, so make sure you pay attention. Read between the lines and see the situation for what it may be, not what it appears to be.